Tuesday, November 17, 2009

media and its role

It is all right to be an advocate of an independent media, devoid of any kind of control other than the market.But is it just sufficient for the media to be free and independent?.I think media also has a social responsibility and should not just pander to the market forces.Because the market is not just a monolithic entity. There are various sections and each with a separate and distinct thought process and the media should be able to mirror all these thought processes.And after all is the media all that free for many a times we get an impression that sections of the media are dancing to the tune various vested interests. And being driven by the market should not seem like being by monetary considerations

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It is interesting that the issue of Racism in Australia is such a rage in the Media now.The Aussies will try to cover up the issue and comment with a straight face that there's is not a Racist country.Yes the fact is that the country may not be racist but there are many elements in that country who are extremely racist in attitude. It is just not coincident that this issue has come up just days after the CEO of Telstra ,the biggest Telecom company in Australian Mr .Sol Trujillos commented in a BBC interview that Australia is" Racist and a Backward country".Incidentally Mr Sol was drawing 30 million dollar as Salary,and he had reasons to say that ,and one of them was some comments attributed to the Aussie PM Kevin Rudd about Mr Sol when he was about to relinquish Office .There were enough red faces in Australia after Mr Sol's interview and now they have real muck on their faces. The reasons for this racial anger are many ,one of them is lack of undestanding about other cultures amongst Australian public .And this is not a recent phenomenon .I remember the story about Russi Surti an ex Indian cricketer now settled in Australia. He had recounted stories of discrimination when he had migrated to Australia . The dissappointment is palpable because the outside impression that one has about the country is one of being a El Doroado of sorts,but reality is quite the opposite.Another aspect of this matter that we cannot overlook is that many  of these "victims "never  came back or thought of coming back and many of them did not even report the matter to the authorities.They never had the courage to ask for their rights when their parents were  paying thru their noses to enrich the Aussie economy .So much for our Uprightness