Monday, September 22, 2008

Rise and Fall of Capitalism

The Fall of the capitalism

At last that bastion of capitalism is finally seeing red.The country which was the biggest advocate of free and unregulated markets is seeing the virtues of Regulation.

To say that the capital market in the USA is in a Mess will be an understatement

At least one Giant financial institution has bowed out,another is on artificial respiration and quite a few are waiting is queue to receive the dole from the Government

And Remember this is an election year in the Big Apple.And the process of regulation is being carried out with a straight face ,without a murmur from the public,which again shows how uninformed the public opinion there is.

And the media around the world has sought to underplay the events ,because it had hooked on to the American apron strings and was advocating for free markets and capitalism pretty vigorously

What are the lessons that the world at large can learn from these events.

First thing is that the economy cannot be driven by consumption based on borrowing.People must be taught to live within their means although this may bring down the growth Rate. Their are strong messages for the Indian youth and the middle class .Simply aping the spending methods of the western world can be really dangerous , and unfortunately if we were to face a similar situation we may not be able to absorb the shocks ,firstly because we may fall short of resources required for the resurrection,and secondly there will be lots of hindrances from the west and particularly the Americans if we adopt the measures that they have taken up.

Lastly it sometime pays to be primitive and conservative at least in matters Financial

In 1990's the Fall of the Berlin wall was an epochal event,because it signified the end of socialism.And now we are in the Midst of a similar event .This time it is the Fall of another Wall ,THE "WALL" STREET driven economy



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

motherhood legalities

This is about the request by a mumbai based couple to abort the foetus after 26 weeks as there was a possibility that the child when born can have deformities
The courts verdict has to be honoured as it is based on the law of this land. Even on other grounds there is no reason to abort the child.It is a child because it has gone beyond the 20 week threshold when it was just a foetus.Another aspect that we have to consider is that the test of motherhood is not only about rearing a healthy child ,but also about  caring for a child even if it is not healthy and normal.We cannot hide behind the technological advancements and forget this principle.Just because the unborn child has the possibility of developing a handicap or deformity can any mother just discard the child.What is the difference between those mothers who just discard their newborns on hospital & orphanage doorsteps because they donot have the resources and the strength to bring up the child and this mother who seems to have the material means to support even a handicapped child.The money that the couple  spent on the litigation could well have been saved for this purpose.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Language wars

But the Top news is the Language war In Maharashtra.
It is the story of a Juvenile leader and a pussy footing Government
We have a Home Minister in Maharashtra who is high on Morality quotient,but fails to deliver when it comes to maintaining Law & order.When he has take decisions to rein in the rowdy elements who move around as political ,he has a tendency to look into the Crystal ball to see whether his actions will offend the local populace and will in turn affect his and political party's standing in the forthcoming elections.He will try to delay the decision making to such an extent that sometime he does not have to take a decision.The events just take its own course. And the end result is of course misery for the common man.Uncertainty about the future ,anxiety and loss of livelihood for many a citizen.And we are witness to a new kind of terrorism.
Probably we are revisiting History